Launch of AWS Ventient™ Integrated Trickle Ventilation System

Launch of AWS Ventient™ Integrated Trickle Ventilation System

Incorporating Ventient shape memory alloy technology in a custom made device, Architectural Window Systems (AWS ) have recently launched the AWS Ventient state-of-the-art trickle ventilation solution into their leading range of residential and commercial windows and doors.

AWS, is one of Australia’s leading suppliers of aluminium window and door systems offering an extensive range of locally designed aluminium window and door suites for residential and commercial applications.

The AWS Ventient sub-head integrated trickle ventilation solution for windows and doors is an Australian first, combining market leading window and door solutions with our internationally renowned trickle ventilation technology.

The AWS Ventient system is designed to fit seamlessly into the building envelope through discreet integration into the window or door sub-head. No additional penetrations into the building envelope are required. With consideration of acoustic and water performance, protection against fire, dust and insects and the option to manually close the device, this is a highly resolved solution suited to both commercial and residential building applications.

Six alternate models are available from AWS to suit window type and installation application, along with options to configure the AWS Ventient device for tropical or cool to temperate climates.

By Andy Russell

General Manager