Technical Resources
Proctor Group Australia’s Technical Resource section provides building professionals with total system solutions, specification clauses and CAD Drawings for download. By providing Proctor Group Australia with your project specifications, calculations can be quickly and accurately carried out to give R-Values, condensation and dew point risk analysis and the required insulation thicknesses. Thereafter any number of permutations can be provided to help you achieve your desired targets.
Proctor Group Australia can also provide general assistance with design detailing, building compliance codes and installation guidelines.
If you would like to speak with a Proctor Group Australia Technical Representative, please contact our office:
Telephone: Sydney 02 8788 9555, Melbourne 03 9369 7920.
Long perceived to be immune from such problems, ‘the lucky county’ has seen an increase in the occurrence and severity of condensation problems across disparate climate zones as standard designs start to fail.
An ABCB nationwide survey estimates that about 40% of new and existing buildings suffer from condensation. The NCC 2019 is the first version of the code with a dedicated condensation management section under health and amenity.
The presentation considers the role played by various control layers and how they impact design and specification to aid the understanding and effective management of condensation risk.
WUFI® is a family of software products that allows realistic calculation of the transient coupled one- and twodimensional heat and moisture transport in walls and other multi-layer building components exposed to natural weather. WUFI® is an acronym for Wärme Und Feuchte Instationär—which, translated, means heat and moisture transiency. WUFI® software uses the latest findings regarding vapor diffusion and moisture transport in building materials. The software has been validated by detailed comparison with measurements obtained in the laboratory and on IBP’s outdoor testing field.

JPA Software for Construction
One of the UK’s leading Construction Software developers is proud to bring its long-established and well respected Condensation Risk Analysis program to Australia and New Zealand. JPA Designer enables Australian and New Zealand architects, designers, developers and manufacturers the ability to produce calculations for local projects.